Mike Winner – The Currency Of Experience

Happy Holidays to all our AV family! Please enjoy this replay of my main stage talk at this year’s inaugural Living Free Festival in NSW, Australia. I was blessed to speak to a large crowd of free thinking freedom-lovers (on my birthday!) about the possibilities of a future where debt money systems no longer have a chokehold on our lives.
This was a very inspiring weekend for me as I saw the fruits of our labor with Alfa Vedic & Music & Sky manifested in harmonic resonance in this beautiful gathering across the world (I got a little choked up during my talk…). I am hoping this talk can inspire us to think bigger and go ‘outside the box’ with how we envision our collective experience as an emerging new sovereign community.
As we move into 2025 with so much of the road ahead unknown, let us embrace the magic and power of each other and the divine will each of us has to create what our hearts know is possible. Grounded in this awareness we are truly unstoppable. I have already seen the future and it is indeed a beautiful one!
Wishing you all the very Merriest Christmas with friends and family and full of love and laughter!
In Peace & Gratitude,
Mike Winner