A Jiao Gu Lan Adaptogenic Core with Peppermint, Cardamom, Licorice Root & Essential Oils of Basil & Clove for a superb Mint Tea blend.




“Jiao Gu Lan Tea has been a personal favorite of mine for many years. Like most people, I purchased the most popular Thailand grown variety over the internet. Several years ago I was able to get my hands on some Jiao Gu Lan seeds, and gave them a try in my greenhouse. I planted them in early summer on an old tomato trellis in the orchard, and they seemed to love summer on our river bank property.
I assumed this tropically grown plant wouldn’t survive our winter, but I was pleasantly surprised. After spring weeding it sprang back up, and multiplied with a vengeance. Passionate about the prospect of a homegrown version of this wonderful herb, I wasted no time contructing my first exclusive Jiao Gu Lan bamboo trellis system.
I’ve expanded production areas in the AV Gardens every year since, and it’s become our signature crop. The taste and vitality of our freshly-picked, biodynamically grown Jiao Gu Lan has spoiled my taste forever for anything else. I never miss my morning tea, and I find myself instinctively chewing on the sweet leaves whenever I’m working in the gardens.
It takes a good-sized area to produce enough dry leaves to make any great quantity of tea available to outside consumers, but it will be available to the Alfa Vedic faithful in limited quantities. I’ve been approached by other retailers with offers to pre-purchase our entire crops, but we’re keeping it all for ourselves … and you, of course!”
~Dr. Barre Paul Lando