
“The epidemic rise of virtually every chronic illness that I’ve witnessed since my early years of clinical practice is absolutely shocking. While conventional medicine seeks pharmaceutical solutions, the true empiricist only need ask the simple question, “what has changed between then and now?” While contaminants from chem-trailing, agriculture, GMO & pharmaceuticals have found their way into every level of internal & external ecology in recent years, invisible EMF radiation is proving to be the most deleterious of all.
Make no mistake, these microwave transmissions are every bit the hazard as ionizing radiation. I’ve tried many of the popular devices designed to neutralize and protect against the effects of EMF, but Nature has once again provided the most powerful remedy. I have tested the Grounding Bag personally utilizing wave form assessment technology, and found its effects extremely powerful in negating or reducing bodily reactions to Wi-Fi and cellular radiation.”
~Dr. Barre Paul Lando